Processing of subsidies for investment in R+D+I

Innovation marks the way 


Consulting and processing of subsidies for investment in R+D+I

We provide a service of Integral Technical Assistance to present individual and collaborative projects at regional, national, European and international programmes. In our opinion, the development of Individualized Strategic Plan of the participating entities (companies, technology centres, research groups and administrations) is essential as a starting point.

The method of VECTOR ARRAM consists of:

Analysis of the needs of the entity through technical meetings: we identify potential projects within the strategy of the company and seek appropriate funding programmes, in line with the interests and preferences of our clients.

Evaluation of ideas and project opportunities map: analyse specific opportunities to participate in regional, national, European and international calls according to areas of specialization.

Ad-hoc monitoring and information about: Programmes as well as open and future calls of interest.
Strategic training and networking meeting to guarantee the parcipation of the entity in projects.
Reference policy documents which affect the call (action plans, roadmaps, etc.) and other information key to understand the scope and needs to be covered by the proposal.

Network optimization: support the definition of the R&D&i profile of the entity ensuring its impact on specialized networks and technological platforms..
European projects network, specialized technological platforms, Spanish and European agencies for promotion of the R&D&i.

Brokerage events, Infodays, and other networking events.
Consortia of previous Framework Programmes Projects.
FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 advisory groups.

Monitoring and grant reception: Monitoring of documentation in different administrations. Optimization of resolution and justification times. Preparation of grants payment documentation. Technical reports of justification, economic report to auditors and resolution of incidents.


Innovation leads the way

From the union of ARRAM Consultores joins Vector Horizonte born Vector Arram Inizzia.

Vector Horizonte is a company with more than 15 years of experience in providing R+D+i services, facilitating the business and innovative activity of our clients and enhancing the strength of their products or processes, through Vector ARRAM R+D+i.

To learn more about Vector Horizonte, here we leave you their corporate dossier where you will get more details of the services and solutions we offer.


R&D&I deductions

Tax incentives 

The administration makes available for companies, tax incentives and bonuses in quotas in Social Security for the promotion of business innovation. They are mechanisms that allow reducing the tax and social burden of enterprises that carry out activities of research, development and technological innovation and investments in material assets aimed at the protection of the environment. Also available for those companies that transfer the knowledge generated to any third party for commercial exploitation.

Deductions for R&D&i as those relating to investments aimed at the protection of the environment are proportional to the expenditure in each fiscal year. Bonuses are applied directly every month on corporate contributions for contingencies common to the Social Security The first act on the tax burden, the second acts on social charges.

These instruments are of a horizontal nature, and its application is free and general (there is no competitive basis or a predefined budget limit). They are designed to encourage the initiative of the private sector, without conditioning the innovative scope of the company (not limited to certain areas, programmes or initiatives).

Internationally, Spain is considered one of the most generous in the scope of tax incentives to the R&D&i according to the OECD. However, such incentives are slightly used by companies because they find it difficult to know them with the proper depth and apply them safely. This situation occurs especially in SMEs, which represent a 99 % of the market. However, these measures are aimed at the improvement of the business climate and foster the growth of the Spanish companies.

In Vector ARRAM we are experts in the tax treatment of R&D&i and environmental investments as well as other tools of saving. A full process involves the analysis of the different routes of reduction of taxes described in the diagram.

So, it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of each company as well as their investments, identifying their needs and all that incentive to which they are entitled.